(MLSS ) Hostel Super

Ashrafunnahar Lipi

1.HSC Completed From Katabaria Afazuddin khan Mohila Collage.


Career Objectives: 

I am Looking forward to join your esteemed & reputed organization, to serve the best of my ability sincerely, honestly with hard work and where I will be the role model for the overall growth of the concerns. I always like to enjoy hard and challenging job so that I Can have the chance to prove my potentiality,skill,ability,adaptability and so on, I also do something innovative because it will do increase my knowledge.

Personal Detail:

  • Name                                   : Ashrafunnahar LiPi
  • Father’s Name                    : MD Aminul Islam.
  • Mother’s Name                   : Rowshanara
  • Date of Birth                       : 14 Dec 1992
  • Gender                                  : Female.
  • Marital status                      :  Single
  • Height                                   : 5.00”feet
  • Weight                                  : 50 kg
  • Nationality                           :  Bangladeshi (By Birth)
  • Contact No                           : 01401694047, 01941185429
  • Email                                     :  dipurni1997@gmail.com
  • Present address                   :  Vill: Chaktatardi, Post: Shekhergoun,Thana: Monohardi, District: Narsingdi.

Academic Background:

1.Humanities in HSC:

  • Name of the College     :   Katabaria Afazuddin Khan Mohila College.
  • Board                                  :   Dhaka.
  • Result:                                 :   3.80 ( Out of 5).
  • Passing Year                    :   2009.

2.Humanities in SSC:

  • Name of the College    :   Chaktatardi Alhaz Lion M.A. Baten Girls High School.
  • Board                                 :   Dhaka.
  • Result:                               :  4.06 ( Out of 5).
  • Passing Year                   : 2007.

Professional Experience

  • Teaching at Model Cadet Care School  (01-01- 2017 at Present ).

Skills & Strengths

  • Office Application: Microsoft ( Word , Excel,Power Point).
  • Internet: Browsing efficienty.

Skills & Strengths

 1.Computer Skills:

  • Office Application: Microsoft ( Word , Excel,Power Point).
  • Internet: Browsing efficienty.

 2.Language Skills:

  • Bengali: Outstanding in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • English: Outstanding in reading, writing, listening and speaking well.

 3.Communication Skills:

  • Excellent negotiation,interpersonal communication skills.
  • Self-motivated and optimistic by nature.

 4.Extra- Curricular Activities :

  • Self-Confident and motivated,proactive in talking initiative.
  • willing to challenges,work hard in pressure,through team or individually.
  • Good Communication and interpersonal skills.


Professional Skills

Communication skill %
Language Skill %
Computer Skill %